
The Role

By becoming a councillor, those that get involved almost certainly want to do something positive and hope to make a difference by influencing decisions that affect their community. There are over 80,000 local councillors in England – all are volunteers and will be held accountable by local people for things that happen locally.

The council is the community’s choice of representatives: an ordinary election for a new council occurs every four years but there may be an election when a seat falls vacant at other times. Councillors are either elected or co-opted if insufficient candidates are proposed for seats. In addition, if a vacancy occurs between elections (for example, by the resignation of a councillor), the council must generally find out if the electors want an election before they can co-opt.

Councillors attend meetings at approximately 6-weekly intervals. The meetings last for roughly an hour and a half. The issues discussed can be seen by looking at minutes of previous meetings on this website.

The Council

There are currently six councillors in Westcott who work together to bring local issues to the attention of the council, and help it make decisions on behalf of the local community. Three of the six councillors are needed at any council meeting for it to be able to vote on agenda items (quorate).

Sue Pusey, Chairman of Westcott Parish Council

I have been a Parish Councillor for more than 10 years now.  I was originally co-opted onto the Council to fill a vacancy which occurred mid-term.  Previously I was a member of the footpath working group and attended Parish Council meetings as my husband was a Councillor.  I have lived in Westcott for 20 years now and am very happy here.  I would love to see more people attending Parish Council meetings and getting involved.  We have a lovely village but it can be a bit isolated particularly for the young and for the older members of our community.
Please come along to a meeting, or perhaps join us at our next Village clean up day.


Anthony Wilkinson, Vice Chairman of Westcott Parish Council

Tony is the Parish Council’s representative on the Waddesdon Local Area Forum and is a trustee of the Faith Beaumont charity and the William Turner charity.


Grahame Pusey, Councillor

I was co opted onto the Parish Council to fill a vacancy shortly after that.  I am part of the Village Green working party and undertook the renovation works on the War graves last year.  I am pleased to be part of this small community.


Jo Hooper, Councillor

During my time as a Parish Councillor, the Council has reviewed planning applications, assessed contracts for mowing the grass and ensured the communal play equipment is monitored and maintained.  Outside of meetings I have set up the council website, taken part in the regular “Village Clean Ups” and even planted a commemorative tree – although sadly now reduced to a shrub! Being a councillor gives me the opportunity to be more involved in the life of the village and help with issues that can affect some or all of the residents.


Sue Lacey, Councillor

Sue was so-opted onto the Council in January. She is the residents representative on the Bucks Recycling Liaison Committee.


Kevin Ready, Councillor

Joined the Parish Council in 2022.


Declarations of Interests

In accordance with the Localism Act 2012, you may view the Councillors Declarations of Interests by following the link to Buckinghamshire Council’s register for the parish of Westcott.