Contact Us

Please contact Barry Malki, Clerk to the Council by email at about the following:

  • General enquiries about The Green.
  • To report repairs needed to any of the play equipment or play surface.
  • To report a street light not working in the High Street, Lower Green and Ashendon Road.
  • Any issues with the burial ground (not the church cemetery).

Westcott Venture Park

For enquiries about Westcott Venture Park, including querying any businesses working outside of permitted operating hours, or the generation of excessive noise, nuisance or dust, please contact the Gatehouse in the first instance: 01296 651888

For working outside of permitted operating hours, excessive noise, nuisance or dust please report the incident directly to Environmental Health by emailing: or use the online form.

Please note the time of the incident and forward the details to Westcott Parish Council for information.

Traffic and speeding

To report speeding or dangerous driving in the village, please contact the local police directly on 101 or email:

If it is a commercial vehicle then the company might appreciate being informed directly.

If vehicles from a particular company are repeatedly driving at speed or dangerously in the village then, in addition to the first two actions, please come along to the next parish council meeting or contact the Clerk.


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Call: Extra Care Team 0800 0093652 Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm


To report a leak call: 0800 3169800